Yesterday’s experiment

So I just started listening to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and I think it was in the first episode that I heard him talk about nootropics or smart drugs. Went straight online and found a sample kit with four different types of Racetam nootropics. I tried taking a little bit of them before my scale arrived from Amazon (Cause waiting and doing things right is not necessarily my four tet)  and from the first one I tested, I felt more alert, more awake and like seeing every clearer or sharper. Nothing uncomfortable or hyper about that experience.

Once I got the scale, I decided to stack all four compounds and take a daily recommended dosage of each one. Tore a small piece of paper and put it on the scale and then started adding each one of them on it. Rolled it up and took it with me to work. The reason why I put it in paper instead of just straight in my mouth is because some of these compounds taste horrifically and that awful taste is stuck in your mouth for the next half hour. Should probably mention too why I didn’t just swallow the roll of paper straight away. I’m currently on the carb nite diet and that requires me to put off eating and drinking anything besides coffee with cream or coconut oil for the first two hours after I wake up.

Anyway when the time finally came I got my mug out and filled it with coffee, took my paper pill and put it in my mouth. The idea was to use the coffee to flush it down, it’s was a bad idea as I found out seconds later. The paper pill being made of as little and as thin piece of paper as possible, glued itself to my tongue, leaking the nootropics over my tongue and then I found out that the coffee was exceptionally hot this morning. That resulted in a horrible taste at the back of my tongue while the front part got burned from the coffee. After a few moments of a burning sensation mixed with horrid chemical taste, I got the paper pill to it’s destination and got on with my day.

The effects from these nootropics were obvious but not extreme. The sense of heightened alert, more energy, better mood and the urge to do something, be productive, were all there. Of course I couldn’t feel if my learning skills had improved and those type of benefits but all the easily detectable effects were there. I do realize that there is a chance of placebo effects but this experience felt quite real and I prepped myself beforehand of not being too optimistic about the outcome. I felt the effects throughout the day and was very satisfied with the results.

Next month I’m going to buy a proper stack of nootropics since it matters which type of compounds you mix together. Once I receive my stack, I’ll write up a quick description of each nootropic and how much I’m taking.

That’s all for today, lost my focus and all I can think of right now is that if I don’t do something around the house before my woman arrives back home from work. I’ll be in deep…

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