Past few days

Since my last post I’ve managed to accomplish a few things. I mopped the floors and was pretty proud of myself for achieving that. I did however just mop the parts of the floor that my son puked on, but nevertheless, I mopped half of the living room.

The poor guy got sick just after I picked him up from kindergarten and couldn’t hold anything down. Thankfully it only lasted for three or four hours and then he fell asleep and woke up fine the next day. My main concern was of course his well being but after that one, was my plan to go fishing on Sunday.  Got my mother in law to take care of him and then drove of to meet my uncle. We took his car and drove for about five or six hours to this beautiful river packed with huge salmon. The first day, all I caught was my son’s sickness. The second day we caught nothing. But we saw some beautiful salmons jumping and the landscape was amazing. In fact we loved this river so much that we decided to come back next year. The other guys that were fishing (One of them is leasing the river) caught three or four salmons (all released again back in to the river like the rules state for this place). The conditions weren’t in our favor, hot and the sun was shining. The salmon was easily startled.

I came back late on Monday evening and went straight to bed. The next day I went to a confidants (or is it called representatives) course. Came back home and felt a bit under the weather. The diagnoses read out man flu. 92.7 degrees and I was out. Couldn’t do anything. Even had to ask my girlfriend to fetch my vape and a beer for me.

But being tough as nails, I shook this flu off me during the night and went back for the third and final day of the course today (missed the first one, had to fish). Came home and spent some time with my son while the misses prepared dinner. She then went out to meet her friends and shortly after that I put my son to bed.

I decided to work on one of my goals which is to read more, or currently it is to read just some piece of paper at all. I read of course a lot on my phone and I stay in touch with local and global news but picking up a book, let alone a novel (I’m more into books like the sixth extinction) has till this time been a Utopian dream. I picked up one of those fantasy novels by Daniel Polansky, called A city dreaming. It’s the third time I’ve picked up this book and started reading. I’m at page 28. The narrative was not designed for an A.D.D. person. I think that there are more than one reality going on in this story. Characters just pop in, like the author just suddenly mentions their name like I’m supposed to know who they are and everything in this story is supposed to give you the sense that there is nothing normal in this world. I’m not saying it’s a bad book, it’s just confusing as hell for a person like me and prior to this book, I haven’t read anything besides Ikea instructions for the past three years.

That’s all for today, work tomorrow and then I have to postpone harvesting the potatoes for the 10th day in a row. I’m sure I’ll do it before the winter.


Busy day

First issue that I’d like to address is that picture I got at the top of my site. It was supposed to come out a lot bigger. Stretch more horizontally instead of looking like a small thumbnail. I know this is an easy fix but it probably has to bug me for  a few more days until I’m bothered to sort it out.

Yesterday I told you that I lost focus cause I couldn’t stop thinking about that I needed to do something around the house before my girlfriend came back home from work. What I achieved was that I managed to take the rest out of the dishwasher and put the dirty plates and glasses in it, then I mopped the apartment besides the bedrooms. After that, I thought: “Fuck it, I’ll deal with whatever she says when she gets home”. To my surprise she didn’t say anything or even ask me what I did today in that “Didn’t you do anything productive today” tone. So I guess, yay for low expectations!

I’ve got a few items on my to-do list today. I’ve got to go to the store, finish some paperwork for the car since I paid up my loan, put the brown trout I’ve been marinading for the past two days (Recipe below), fold laundry and talk to a garage about the 4WD problem on my car as well to a paint shop about fixing rust spots on it. These are six different tasks, usually that gets overwhelming and I end up doing none or just one of them. But not today, oh no! I’m gonna complete at least three of them, the laundry can definitely take it’s place at the bottom of the to-do list.

I’ve been thinking about monetizing this page with ads that are relevant to what I’m talking about. Something about it bugs me but it still makes sense. If you’d like to try something that I’m using or experimenting with because of what you’ve read here then why shouldn’t I allow myself to make a few bucks here and there? It’s just gonna get me more wiggle room to experiment more. The main goal just can’t be about making money.

Gonna try and keep these posts short, not just because I can’t be bothered to read them over if they’re too long but also because I’m pretty sure that I’m not that interesting to keep you busy for more then three minutes.

Promised the recipes for the brown trout so here they are. You mix together salt, sugar and some spices. Take a plastic wrap and sprinkle some of the salt or salt and sugar mix over it and then lay the skin of the fish on it. Then you sprinkle the spices on top and add the salt or salt and sugar mix on top. Close the wrap, lay it in a tray and then it goes to the refrigerator for one, two or three days. Every twelve hours or so, you should turn the fish over. Once that’s done, you take the fish and clean it. Just brush of the mix under running water, dry it with a piece of paper and sprinkle dill over the fish but not the skin. The top side should be completely green once you’re done.


6 tbsp dried Dill

3 tbsp chunky salt

1 tsp fennil

!/2 tsp black pepper

1 tbsp Aromat or similar to that

I’ll add the recipe I’ve got for the sauce to go with it as well:

3 parts mayonnaise 

2 parts sweet mustard

1 part honey 

Dried dill

Whipped cream to make the sauce lighter

These aren’t my recipes so in order to honor the author, I’ll put in a link. It’s in Icelandic so good luck if you’re not from there.


Yesterday’s experiment

So I just started listening to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and I think it was in the first episode that I heard him talk about nootropics or smart drugs. Went straight online and found a sample kit with four different types of Racetam nootropics. I tried taking a little bit of them before my scale arrived from Amazon (Cause waiting and doing things right is not necessarily my four tet)  and from the first one I tested, I felt more alert, more awake and like seeing every clearer or sharper. Nothing uncomfortable or hyper about that experience.

Once I got the scale, I decided to stack all four compounds and take a daily recommended dosage of each one. Tore a small piece of paper and put it on the scale and then started adding each one of them on it. Rolled it up and took it with me to work. The reason why I put it in paper instead of just straight in my mouth is because some of these compounds taste horrifically and that awful taste is stuck in your mouth for the next half hour. Should probably mention too why I didn’t just swallow the roll of paper straight away. I’m currently on the carb nite diet and that requires me to put off eating and drinking anything besides coffee with cream or coconut oil for the first two hours after I wake up.

Anyway when the time finally came I got my mug out and filled it with coffee, took my paper pill and put it in my mouth. The idea was to use the coffee to flush it down, it’s was a bad idea as I found out seconds later. The paper pill being made of as little and as thin piece of paper as possible, glued itself to my tongue, leaking the nootropics over my tongue and then I found out that the coffee was exceptionally hot this morning. That resulted in a horrible taste at the back of my tongue while the front part got burned from the coffee. After a few moments of a burning sensation mixed with horrid chemical taste, I got the paper pill to it’s destination and got on with my day.

The effects from these nootropics were obvious but not extreme. The sense of heightened alert, more energy, better mood and the urge to do something, be productive, were all there. Of course I couldn’t feel if my learning skills had improved and those type of benefits but all the easily detectable effects were there. I do realize that there is a chance of placebo effects but this experience felt quite real and I prepped myself beforehand of not being too optimistic about the outcome. I felt the effects throughout the day and was very satisfied with the results.

Next month I’m going to buy a proper stack of nootropics since it matters which type of compounds you mix together. Once I receive my stack, I’ll write up a quick description of each nootropic and how much I’m taking.

That’s all for today, lost my focus and all I can think of right now is that if I don’t do something around the house before my woman arrives back home from work. I’ll be in deep…


I decided to start this blog or diary or whatever this is, to get a better overview of what I’m doing, thinking and also to hopefully share my experience with people who are like or similar to me.

I’ve got A.D.D. (Attention deficit disorder, without the harassment of being hyper) and I wanted to focus on my thoughts and experiences related to it. My take on it is more positive then negative so this won’t be one of those “Oh, poor me! I’m such a victim” type of rants. Along with the A.D.D., I was diagnosed being impulsive, which often translates me into buying stuff for my AMAZING new hobby or interest before I finish reading the article that sparked the interest (Did you guys know that often, these type of articles talk about things to look out or be careful of, in the latter part?).

I get easily distracted when it comes to maintaining focus on one particular interest. Exhibit A would be this blog for instance. I registered this account, probably around a month or two ago. Did it on my phone, cause it needed to happen right now and then of course I couldn’t imagine writing a whole post on my phone so I decided to do it the next time I opened my computer.

I’m gonna dive into my interests as well, explain the basics, point out where I got information and stuff like that. Active interests are the gym, brewing, raspberry pi the computer and arduino, nootropics, gardening, fishing, experimenting in the kitchen and other stuff that I can’t remember right now. I should also explain that I forget things very easily, that is, things that I’m going to do, check or say. Which is why I wrote it here, straight away, completely out of context.

More later, maybe not tomorrow but definitely the day after. Unless I forget or get lost in some super amazing new interest.